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What Indians Think About ASIFA

A temple or devisthan is a place where people visit to beg for a healthy, happy, prosperous life. A temple is believed to be a pure place, a positive and safe environment, where our Supreme Powers i.e, our Gods and Goddesses live. They bless us with a happy life. This is what we used to think.
But one incident changed everything. A child lost her life at this safe place. The death was not natural. It was a murder. This child was raped to death. Yes, she was a child, an eight year old innocent child, who probably knew nothing about the devils, the devils who lived in a devisthan, the devil who was the caretaker of a devisthan. Yes, she was totally unaware of that monster, disguised as a guard.
Yes, I'm talking about ASIFA. That poor little girl, who was just eight years old, who spent only eight years in the paradise of Kashmir, wait, it was not a paradise. She might have thought of that place the most beautiful but it turned out to be the most ugly place for her.
Sadly, she could only live for eight years. Eight years is a very small span of a lifetime. There was so much waiting for her. Her puberty, her teenage, her adulthood, her old age. So many beautiful places she could not visit and so many beautiful flowers she has not seen. She saw barely a part of her childhood. She got nothing.Many things remain unseen for her. Half of her childhood, her entire love-life, blossoming friendships, parenthood, her first salary, most of the adventurous trips and the list continues......
Well all this ended when her eyes were forcefully closed forever. Those fucking bastards, they thought of nothing, all they could see was their fucking bitchy lust, and they made ASIFA a pawn. She was a soft target for them. The monsters disguised as humans, they are just so deaf and blind that they can't see somebody's life. They were unable to hear her cries. And that's why they are monsters.
Irony, this story is full of ironies and on the top of everything, this is not a story, it is a real incident.
First irony, this monstrous lustful inhumane incident took place in the beautiful valley of Kashmir.
Second irony, one of the monster, was the caretaker of a devisthan, the sacred place, where a goddess, who is a female, who once used to be a small girl child, the goddess who was once an eight year old girl child, is worshiped.
Third irony, the incident took place at the devisthan itself.
This list of ironies will not end if I keep on looking for them. So, I stop this procedure now.
Coming to the post-incident events. This time any of the ministers can not make a statement over the clothes and the time at which she was hanging out. The ministers would be feeling so helpless because this time they can't blame the girl for whatever happened. Because this time, its about a small child who was wearing salwar- kameez. She was not showing her skin. She was covered up to bottom. Only her face and maybe her hands were visible. So, this time the superiors can't make any statement regarding her clothing or they can't say that her clothes were too revealing that's why she was raped. They can't even say that she was out in the dark, that's why this happened. I'm feeling so sad for the ministers and those bullshit minded people who used to give fucking statements everytime when a girl was raped.
This girl was so small to have a figure so they can't even comment on her physique as they did in the NIRBHAYA case.
So, this time this fucking bullshit couldn't take place.
But, this time a new,  pretty new idea has emerged in some of the fucking minds.
And the idea is that the name ASIFA, is a MUSLIM name and so was the girl. ASIFA was a muslim. And the monsters who raped her, the monsters disguised as humans are HINDUS. So, some of the Hindu Nationalists, who are nothing but a piece of shit, have started to protest in order to protect their Hindu Brothers.
This bullshit is seriously driving me crazy. There are many who are marching out, asking for justice for Asifa, are Hindus.
So, here we have got Hindus against Hindus. One group asking for justice and other one is so fucked up that they can't see how innocent she was, all they want is the freedom of those monsters.
I can't understand, why their minds are so fucked up that they are unable to see the innocence in the eyes of ASIFA. They can't see that she was just a small child who lost her life only to fulfill the lust of those bastards.
And what is the role of religion in this? Which religion teaches you to rape a girl from another religion? If you are trying to take Hinduism to such a decayed level, then you should be ashamed to call yourself a Hindu Nationalist, you should be ashamed to call yourself a human. No religion, be it the most backward, teaches anyone to commit such brutal crime. I don't think that any religion in this world tells you to take life of a innocent child. No religion teaches you to let go off such monsters. Where the hell from that 17 years old boy got that courage to rape a small child? From where these Hindu Nationalists got the courage to defend these inhumane people, these monsters for their monstrous act? Just burn them alive. Just burn those rapists and those who support them alive and that too publicly.
Also, the so called bloody politics. Different parties trying to get advantage from this case. Seriously, this country has become so inhumane. Specially the politicians. All they can see is their votebanks. All that matters to them is the votes that they get. No humanity, no justice matters to them.
To which destination are they trying to drive INDIA?
India has become a country of rapes. Be it the rape of a newborn(9 months old), a five years old child, an eight years old child, a 25 years old girl or a sixty years old lady. It's all about rapes, rapes and rapes. Nothing else can be seen.
I'm feeling so ashamed right now. I'm ashamed to be a hindu when I see these Hindu Nationalists defending those criminals in the name of religion, ashamed to be a girl, ashamed to be born here.
But a feeling of proud comes when I see Hindus and Muslims marching together for justice.
India is ashamed of herself.
Maybe this is not the place ASIFA dreams off that's why she left this shitty hell.
Death was not her choice, getting raped was not her wish, having such a brutal death was not her dream. Those who made her struggle so much, those who gave her so much pain, must be punished in a very inhumane and brutal way, that too publicly, so that some bastards may have the fear of the consequences and any other skirt, jeans, trouser will not be blamed for somebody else's crime in future.
If you want justice for ASIFA then please fill in this petition by clicking on the link below.
Click here to sign the petition for justice for ASIFA
Note- I'm not against any religion, I'm a Hindu and I respect Muslims the same way I respect Hinduism, i have no intentions to hurt feelings of any religion, but I do have intentions to hurt those Hindu nationalists who are behaving like assholes.


  1. Exactlyy..... Idk what to say?? How can people be so much inhumane?????
    No words.. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


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